Are the kidnappers really Muslims?having lived there since two decades i have seen and interacted with the locals over there and some of my father's friends and colleagues have been the local wazirs.seeing the conditions over there one just can not believe it is them who are behind these awful and heinious crimes against humanity. no one would who have interacted with them.there surely is a foriegn hand in training and providing weapons and technololgy to these foriegn agents.
The local people in waziristan are the most hospitable i have ever met.Inspite of them being unlettered they never would miss on offering prayers and observing the rituals. neither are they so professional to arrange kidnappings in such an organized manner. The border between Afghanistan and waziristan is the most porous.There is maximum probability that agents are being trained and sent through that border by american forces and india. not to forget India has
5 embassies and consulates in Afghanistan. That rings alot of bells!!
Indian Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan
Indian Consulate in Herat, Afghanistan
Indian Consulate in Jalalabad, Afghanistan
Indian Consulate in Kandhar, Afghanistan
Indian Consulate in Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan
acoording to report:
"The US attack over Afghanistan in 2001 provided a big opportunity toRAW to accomplish its goal of destabilizing Pakistan. Since 9/11,Indian influence has increased tremendously. RAW has establishedConsulates and Trade Missions along the Pak-Afghan border todestabilize Balochistan and North West Frontier Province (NWFP).Several agents of RAW captured in FATA, Waziristan, and other SouthernEastern areas provided that Indians had managed to penetrate deeply incollaboration with Indian allies in the region. Recently a spy hadbeen killed by Taliban in Afghanistan. Reportedly that spy disclosedthat an Indian intelligence official named C. R. Garg working asAttaché and PS to Indian ambassador had offered as much as US $2000-3000 per foreigner killed in Pakistan.
the world’s foremost source onintelligence information, reported in July 2001 that the Indian spyagency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created four newagencies to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious andmilitary personalities, journalists, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats.
In addition, bombs would be exploded in trains, railway stations,bridges, bus stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamicsects to incite sectarianism. Pakistani intelligence agencies alsosaid that RAW had constituted a plan to lure Pakistani men between 20and 30 years of age to visit India so they could be entrapped in casesof fake currency and subversion and then be coerced to spy for India."
another useful link is:
The people and governmnet should realize and identify the real terrorists which are not the innocent people in the tribal regions there is a more sinister face to this propaganda.