Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Short Message Service

Short Message Service
I quote from the webopedia: "Abbreviated as SMS, the transmission of short text messages to and from a mobile phone, fax machine and/or IP address. Messages must be no longer than 160 alpha-numeric characters and contain no images or graphics. "
When the sms service was introduced first, it was not used as extensively and as creatively as it is used now. Back then it used to cost a lot and people were yet to discover how lethal it could prove to be in the coming future. People first used to communicate via SMS for important messages only. Then when it became cheaper (thanks to the numerous packages that every telecom company introduced to increase their sales)and was worth paisa(though paisa do not exist in Pakistan),people started literally bombarding mobile phones with forwarded texts ranging from funny messages to quotes, un-authentic ahadiths and Quranic verses and so on.
It was a nuisance for some as the cell phone would ring in the odd hours when someone was sleeping and on checking turned out to be some third rate joke, a dream some saint saw and if you did not forward it to 100 people you could die and other such deplorable messages.
I just wonder why don’t people think and realize that everything is in ALLAH's hands and a stupid text message cannot be of any harm. I have received such texts from some highly educated people .I want to ask the creators of such non sensical messages: is Islam based on dreams of people? who might be saints in their own right, but their dreams are meant for them only, we do not find any instance in which the caliphs or other notable names in the Islamic history saw a dream and they made sure that it became a part of Islam. It is a bidah, an innovation in religion, when we introduce anything new in our deen which is not sanctified by the Quran or ahadith.And. And the numbers? On which divine rule are these numbers suggested that you do this act this many times you'll get this and that reward. All knowledge lies with ALLAH; HE only knows how much reward we'll get for any action. We are not supposed to make our dreams or that of any saint a part of Islam. I see a dream in which the prophet told me to do such and such act and also told me about the reward, which is quite possible, then that act is meant for me only I am not supposed to make it a part of Islam. Islam has been completed as a religion. ALLAH says in the Quran “This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [5:3]
Such messages are chaotic, and force many unlettered people (in Islam) to believe in and spread such messages.
Apart from this the sick and dirty jokes that are sent and enjoyed is despicable. It shows the fall from grace of our society, destroying and corrupting young minds and their character thus disrupting the civilized norms of a decent society. And many such negative uses as the imagination is quite wide
Coming to the positive part of this service people have found a new way to express their opinion, joy and they can register their protest within seconds. The current issue of scanning emails and sms and punish the offenders for 14 years in jail is a recognition of the fact, by our democratic government, that sms has become a powerful tool for people to condemn and raise their voice over injustice. The government can curb the media but it cannot strangle the voice of the people i.e. the sms network. Without people realizing it, it became a strong platform on which people have raised their voice against the incompetence, mismanagemnet and corruption of the present regime. Instead of scanning the sms for crackdown on the offenders the government should scan the sms and emails for feedback from the citizens of this democratic country! Sms against the government figures speaks volumes about what the people really want. The government can never stifle the voices of people. They will always find new ways to raise their voices .Instead of punishing the offenders the government should seriously improve their ways and give a much needed relief to the people. But this does not justify the use of indecent and defamatory language against any person whether they are in government or not. Islam teaches us to show restrain and character under all circumstances.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

In the summer heat

There is complete silence...sweat drops roll on my face there is nothhing i can do,go somewhere,read a book or write.Dont feel like eating just drink,drink and drink loads water and juices to quench my thirst.I feel so disconnected from the entire world.I feel iam missing on important news (which do not arouse any feelings now we have gotten immune to them!!)rather gory news like a dozen bomb blasts....figures of no. of human beings bombed to death by deadly drones (with an average of around 50 daily in waziristan only)....other common innocent crimes like robbery by politicians(the credit card theft)..and the infinite list goes on...

Suddenly the monstrous machines start rolling making such roaring noises all around...the light has finally come,after a torturous hour,in sweltring heat half roasting us.Again i switch on the T.V and the same news start pouring in...everyday is the same.There is no respite from heat or bad news.i just wonder why do we even bother to switch on the T.V at all?when the news are quite predictable? or we just enjoy listening to it again and again till we become immune to it and start considering it a part of our lives?(we already have)

And why am i singing the same pessimistic tune ,which can be heard every where? we need to think as a nation .."HAS THIS BECOME ARE MINDSET"? This is all, the fruits of the media which doesnt spare any one .Though one positive effect of this free and pervasive media is that politicains are being held accountable.Media is tightening its noose on the criminals in this society.And (as recently happened)forcing the party leaders to kick out the offenders who have been proven guilty,like the recent credit card theif whose video footage worked wonders.This is a positive change in Pakistan.Hats off to the media.
We really need to change the way we think that itself will make alot of difference . Just start thinking positively and we have taken the first step towards identifying and solving the problems which concern course there is a way out and we the younger generation have to take the initiative. i invite every reader to give their feedback and suggestions on how this can be done.